Humanitarian Services

The Red Barn Spiritual Sanctuary is committed to healing & wellness through divine connections with nature. We believe that in humble service to others, we find limitless opportunities to grow & awaken the unique divinity in each of our hearts.

Red Barn Spiritual Sanctuary presents

Farms for Kids.

A place to learn and experience the miracle of the Divine through farming.


Farms for Kids brings the philosophy of Waldorf Education to children who do not have access to nature. We invite families with young children from urban environments to experience the peaceful delights of rural farm life and all the beings who inhabit the land. Feeling the earth in their hands and connecting with the plants and animals is a deep experience and can be transformative for young hearts and minds.


Farms for Kids

Help us provide classes taught by real organic farmers in the Indigenous tradition and bring learning and exposure to malleable young minds through animal care, earth tending and story telling.

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy, I awoke and saw that life was service, I acted and behold, service was joy."

— Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali Poet